Friday, May 16, 2008

Social Networks

The last official blog, though now I know how to do it...............the skys the limit.

My techno teenagers are into to Myspace/Facebook and a weird social networking site for people interested in alians. Its the new way people are connecting, sharing and keeping in touch with stuff going on around the world.

I loved what Rotorua have done (not only because I'm a kiwi) but because its great. The slideshow, interaction, blogs etc are awesome and seem to target a young audience. Their patrons can gather around a common content to quote Seb Chan and build a strong community. Rotorua has a large Maori population who value community. I think the library haved tapped into that value and built one of their own by inviting comments, participation etc.

I hope libraries in the future can utilise social networking to share expertise, listen to their audience/patrons and promote their collections/events.

I've enjoyed the 2.0 journey. Thank you so much!!!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Dear Kiwi Mickeymouse

Excellent! You've finished and you're still keen to try more! I'm glad it was an enjoyable experience for you.


P.S Love your calendar boys too :-)