Friday, May 16, 2008

Social Networks

The last official blog, though now I know how to do it...............the skys the limit.

My techno teenagers are into to Myspace/Facebook and a weird social networking site for people interested in alians. Its the new way people are connecting, sharing and keeping in touch with stuff going on around the world.

I loved what Rotorua have done (not only because I'm a kiwi) but because its great. The slideshow, interaction, blogs etc are awesome and seem to target a young audience. Their patrons can gather around a common content to quote Seb Chan and build a strong community. Rotorua has a large Maori population who value community. I think the library haved tapped into that value and built one of their own by inviting comments, participation etc.

I hope libraries in the future can utilise social networking to share expertise, listen to their audience/patrons and promote their collections/events.

I've enjoyed the 2.0 journey. Thank you so much!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Application Tools

So many online application tools. Its a bit mind blowing whats available for free. I never knew. We spend so much money on all sorts of software unnecessarily.!!!!.

Being able to create documents online and being able to share and edit is amazing. Not only are you able to work easily from different computers but a number of people can have input into what ever you are creating. Time saving, convenient and beneficial to the library. This obviously useful for the input of several people in the creation of procedures and also in the creation of promotional material.

I found it difficult to move the photos I downloaded around on the document. In the end I just settled for something that worked.! Other wise the Google Docs was easy to use.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

OK trying again

I know, its the second one, wanted to be sure I knew how to do it properly and decided practice.
Uploaded this one from the desktop with minimal help from techno son. Happy with that

Saturday, April 19, 2008

mushup or was it mashup

Hi, My Mashup

Free Image Hosting at

Well that was fun. Not sure how I did that but anyway, will try a few more and get the hang of it.

Mashups have great potential for promotional material in libraries. Professional looking posters,
bookmarks, brochures etc could be made using the internet. These could be of great benefit to library. Often a visual picture, combined with a map, text etc gets a message accross effectively.
I haven't got to much more to write today. I don't want to ramble on.

Our training is nearly coming to any end.

QuickPost !

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I have been a podcaster for sometime now. There are several radio shows I enjoy which unfortunately are on during my working hours so I just podcast them.!!!. Its a wonderful way of not missing out.

The question is how can our libraries use podcasts, audio technology. In our library we do alot of historic/local history type talks. People come from far and wide to hear them. Now if they were recorded and made accessible on our website they could be accessed from anywhere on planet. Who knows, maybe someone in Iceland is interested. You never know. I noticed a few libraries had podcasts of childrens stories. What alot of fun you could have with that at home with your kids. Training is the other obvious reason to use podcasts. A bit boring but hey thats what libraries are all about. My mind is starting to run wild now. Last weekend I did casual shift at our local art gallery and had to introduce a notable Sydney artist who did a talk for an audience of about 25 people. Why didn't we think of podcasting it.!!!. I am only slightly interested in art and even I found it interesting so I'm pretty sure alot of others would too. Must bring it up with the boss.

I noticed next week we are doing mashups!!!!. This will be a bit of learning curve I think. C ya l8er. A bit of trivia for you MLOMS means Mum Looking over my shoulder in teenager MSNing speak.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


It was a big mistake for the State Library to put Taste Website as one of first links. I love recipe books, cooking, experimenting with food etc. (that doesn't mean I'm any good at it) Have already treated the family to Carrot soup and a yummy cheesecake brownie. The soup had a 5 star rating and we know why and the brownie a four star rating. I'm hooked on the that website and have tagged it!!!!!.

Slamming the boards. What a great idea. I had a look at some the exemplary answers and was as impressed at everybody else. My world is growing bigger with all this information (recipe) sharing. In times past we were stuck in our little libraries struggling on by ourselves now with the internet we're connected in way we never have been before. Its all very amazing. We truly live in the information age.

Our local council/library website has the "ask a librarian" but no answerboard, comments, rating space. I can see it would be beneficial. We would get feedback on the effectiveness of our collection, service. It would be good to get constructive comments which could be used by staff when requesting extra services and funding from the people with the money.

To go back a week, I've looked at Librarything and really want to spend a bit of time there. Have to discover how people are getting their books, covers on their blogs (down those side bits). I did also have a brief look at Technorati. Not sure about getting my blog tracked!!!.

Thanks to all the staff who have organised training. I would rate it 5 star!!!!!!!!! You are all amazing.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

yummy ooops I mean delicious

I'm about to tell you something that would not shock my friends. I am very nosey and thats why I love delicious. You get to see what everyone else is into, interesting sites, sharing etc. Its great.

OK this is my first try at a link in my blog. Hope it works. Delicious, will provide excellent training.

My family have decided to use my delicious so thats a problem. I have the all blacks etc. in my delicious. That information needs to be made public to protect my reputation.

One of the first major advantages of social networking is you can access your account from any computer. Unlike the good old favourites. This has. already made life easier.

Our reference supervisor is on the ball. She is already sending round links to National Libary Delicious to help in reference work. I am sure as time goes on and this resource is utilised it will be a great benefit to our library patrons.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Have had fun this week exploring YouTube and Google Videos. First time for me. We have just signed on for broadband at home so its all been a bit easier this week. We carn't access YouTube on our work computers at this stage. Why I don't know. The councils need to move into the 21st centuary. My attempt at embedding a vidoe. Hope it works.

If this embedding works. New Zealand has the best beaches in all the world. So I thought I would share some of the beauty with you.

Online videos, the possibilities for libraries are unlimited. I loved the whole idea of staff orientation. That concept could expanded to staff training. There is heaps of stuff I want to know in the organisation that I work for but the old problem of being short staffed, no time. Its very frustrating. YouTubing training sessions on various aspects of our local library is possibly the answer.

Patron training is an area that could be improved by using online video. If we had a PC designated to online training sessions on subjects such as the using the local history area, searching databases etc it could greatly help patrons find information.
We would be available to help but there is always the serious student who likes to access materials themselves and I think this should be promoted.

Olive was great. Her trip to Broken Hill. What a wonderful tool for recording history. I would love to record my Dad. He grew up in Holland during WWII. Hes 80 now and when he dies all those memories go with him. Video on the web is great way for families to share stories like Olive's.

Videoing author talks, library activities is a way of promoting our library. The community are often unaware of whats going on in the library and this is another tool for promoting our library service.

My quota on the computer is over. Looking forward to next weeks training. I am really enjoying myself and have decided to look into more opportunities to do further training.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wiki Week

Hi to all my blog friends. Feeling very happy its only Monday and I have already contributed to Wiki. Well, I knew about Wiki but wouldn't have had the confidence to contribute before but NOW theres no holding me back.

Who would have thought up Wookieepedia for a name. There are several Star Wars fanatics in my home who will be very interested in all Wookieepedia has to offer. Interesting facts, articles by like minded people, an archive section. I'm sure they would enjoy contributing too.

I loved Book Lovers and got quite carried away reading the reviews and making notes of books to read in the future. Members from the Summer Reading Club contributed book reviews. It looks like these people a members of the Princeton Public Library. Great way to encourage reading and sharing.

The Mint Museum uses Wikipedia showcase their displays, advise on visiting times, upcoming events etc. I wouldn't have thought Wikipedia would be a place you would go to to find out that information.

I can see that Wikipedia is a great place for libraries to share ideas. Theres nothing new under the sun so if childrens librarians, local history and other departments can share it will enhance their service to the public. The idea of using Wikipedia as an intranet holding procedure manuals, staff information is a good idea. We use it in our library and it is very effective.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

RSS I made it, Just!!!!!!!!!!

RSS is one of things thats easy when you know how!!!. I found it all a bit complicated
at first but when I worked it out wasn't too bad. I felt a masssive sense of accomplishment when it finally worked and could relate to one blog I looked at with a picture of a woman pointing a gun at the computer screen.

There a huge advantages of using RSS in the work place. The time it saves is a big positive. I love the way updates are automatically sent to you as they happen. Libraries that use this technology can certainly keep more in touch with new happenings, updated information which will ultimately benefit library users.

I found while searching for RSS feeds if I put RSS in the search term it was easier to find what I was after. I have Whats on in Sydney as one of my feeds. My life is so boring I really need to get out more so hoping this helps.

Week 4 over, bring on week 5!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tokoroa Library

Tokoroa Library
Originally uploaded by Essjay in NZ
Well, well, well. I am really enjoying this weeks training. So many amazing photos on Flickr.

This is what I came up with. The very first library I worked in. The year was 1979. The country New Zealand. The town, Tokoroa. This little hick town is about 1 hour north of lake Taupo in the middle of the North Island. Its had a bit of a face lift since I worked there, but the same building none the less.

I loved the idea of compititions for different age groups. Maybe because I am slightly competitive myself.

Mosman was really using flickr to full advantage. Promoting what they do, visitors etc. What a good idea.!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

To blog or not to blog

Ok, I'm getting my head around people wanting to read anything I've written in a blog. My
opinions, my thoughts and ramblings. Its a steep learning curve. My teenagers are doing it,
now I'm doing what I never thought I'd ever do!!!!! WRITING A BLOG.

I finished TAFE 4 years ago and thought great the learning is over, only to realise (yes I know you're are amazed) it never ends. Its exciting, its scary, its great to be discovering new technology. I did the database training a couple to weeks ago and today helped a student find info in the Literacy Reference database. Very exciting. I'm on a roll.

Communicating up to date information to patrons is a challenge for libraries. I can see that utilising blogs is a great way to inform, entertain and educate. I loved the Southern Tablelands History Matters. I live in a historical part of Sydney (who doesn't) and that idea could definitely work where I live.

I'm learning and enjoying myself and hopefully will be able to improve my skills as a library assistant. Looking forward to next week.