Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I have been a podcaster for sometime now. There are several radio shows I enjoy which unfortunately are on during my working hours so I just podcast them.!!!. Its a wonderful way of not missing out.

The question is how can our libraries use podcasts, audio technology. In our library we do alot of historic/local history type talks. People come from far and wide to hear them. Now if they were recorded and made accessible on our website they could be accessed from anywhere on planet. Who knows, maybe someone in Iceland is interested. You never know. I noticed a few libraries had podcasts of childrens stories. What alot of fun you could have with that at home with your kids. Training is the other obvious reason to use podcasts. A bit boring but hey thats what libraries are all about. My mind is starting to run wild now. Last weekend I did casual shift at our local art gallery and had to introduce a notable Sydney artist who did a talk for an audience of about 25 people. Why didn't we think of podcasting it.!!!. I am only slightly interested in art and even I found it interesting so I'm pretty sure alot of others would too. Must bring it up with the boss.

I noticed next week we are doing mashups!!!!. This will be a bit of learning curve I think. C ya l8er. A bit of trivia for you MLOMS means Mum Looking over my shoulder in teenager MSNing speak.

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