Saturday, April 19, 2008

mushup or was it mashup

Hi, My Mashup

Free Image Hosting at

Well that was fun. Not sure how I did that but anyway, will try a few more and get the hang of it.

Mashups have great potential for promotional material in libraries. Professional looking posters,
bookmarks, brochures etc could be made using the internet. These could be of great benefit to library. Often a visual picture, combined with a map, text etc gets a message accross effectively.
I haven't got to much more to write today. I don't want to ramble on.

Our training is nearly coming to any end.

QuickPost !

1 comment:

Myriam said...

hi there, guess who this is. am looking at the training while on phone to various companies dealing with my mum's business, hence no capitals (other hand holding phone).
i feel like i've been missing out on all sorts of good stuff after looking at your mashup.
you will be the resident expert on these matters.
brilliant blueberries